November 19, 2008

  • Hear Kaskade’s take on music and remixing the Sunny Side track, “Smaller Babies.”

Comments (14)

  • this stufff is funny 

  • Still the stupidest motherfuckers on the planet, you all are.

  • ..I love Techno..especially drum and Bass…I love Sydney..but 2 many poisonous bugs and and snakes but then i smoke…………Rock on…you will reach the People..and did you say JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!! my dream vacation………………………..

    and my good friend Don has been there a trillion times and the sky at night always looks purple……………….i love purple……………………………stay strong………………………i quit for 2 years had that “just one more”…….and now it’s splitting a pack with my im helping to kill him…………………………thanx for the effort…it’s not in vain……………………………..



  • I didn’t know this was true. My wife’s pregnant and I’ve been praying like fuck that we don’t have fat kids, so after seeing this page I decided to make her start smoking. It’s only been 2 weeks and she’s already puffin’ two packs a day like a champ. At this rate, there’s no way we could ever have fat kids. Thanks so much, Truth. We (and our attractive, underweight kids) owe you.

  • I have been taught that smoking is bad for me since I was born and have never had the urge to smoke. What’s more, nowadays the tobacco industry can hardly advertise anyway, and their product costs outrageous sums of money.

    The only thing convincing me to smoke is the obnoxious “Truth” campaign. You guys are so aggressive towards something that has basically already been neutered to hell. If you guys were making public service ads to teach uneducated people about the risks, that would be one thing, but instead you attack the corporations on moral grounds.

    Everyone I know feels these ads are terrible, and most of them are even non-smokers.

  • you should join my blogring it’s called skinny vampire, for the twilight lovers :) :)

    i just started it so it’s small, but you should join if you love edward as much as i do

  • but why do lie so much?

  • ha. i think that you should stop mocking people who smoke.

    would you eat greasy bacon even tho its terrible for you?i bet you would.i wouldnt because i dont like bacon.but i would smoke cig.s even tho i know its bad for me.but you wouldnt cuz you prolly dont like it either.every one has their flaws. you dont have to be obnoxious about it.its legal anyways, why the hell do you give a shit what other people do?worry about your god damn selves.

  • Please, please, take me off your friend list.  The only reason I frequent this site is because I continue to be amazed at the misleading information and ridiculous analogies your campaign continues to churn out.  I’m about as sarcastic as they come, but your over-the-top-shove-it-down-everyone’s-throats-until-they-do-what-we-want attitude is all that I can bare.  I don’t know, I guess I’m just a glutton for punishment like that.  All the same, I never wanted to be associated with you, in any way shape or form.  At least, not until you stop badgering people with your preachy mindsets.  There’s a better way to reach people, and judging by a lot of the comments you receive on xanga, I suggest you start looking for it.

  • the amount of vibrant colors and annoying cartoon figures on this website are actually reminding me how low my nicotene levels actually are, so i think im going to go get one of my ciggarettes, and understand that im killing my lungs, but really not care.  hey, atleast i wont have to look at your cheap-budget xanga website anymore, or watch another one of your dumb musical commercials that is just about as bothersome as the above the influence ones: do you really think a talking dog is going to get me to stop smoking weed? no.  Get my dog to say the same shit, then maybe i’ll think about it. :}

  • I found your site through a search on truth. What do you think about the “Truth Movement?” Declassified: The Truth Will Make You Free

  • are you not blogging anymore?

  • You guys are all fucking assholes and idiots, if you dont like the commercial, TURN IT OFF!!! Its that simple, dont bitch and complain about how annoying it is, just change the channel. And the commercials are out there because they want to show people (teenagers especially) that if you smoke your basically killing yourself slowly.  Yes i know that eating greasy unhealthy food is bad for you, and that we have a big problem with obesity in this country, but it doesnt kill nearly as many people as smoking does. And as for smoking while your pregnant, that not only can make your baby underweight but it can also lead to many birth defects and also SID, sudden infent death syndrome, so if you want your baby to die…..go ahead nd make your wife smoke. People make stupid choices all the time, the people at “Truth” are just trying to prevent people from making a very dangerous and life-threatening choice, but if you dont want to listen thats your mistake and you will pay for it in the end.

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